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Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru – 03


Yuuki Yuuna (7)

Gotta love fairy cannibalism! I bet they taste like chicken.

I am a sucker for these magical girl shows so I will be blogging this with Skylion! So I hope you stick around for this strange series because I am having a ton of fun following it so far.


Why not, why not, why not. There, that explains that. This is becoming a great mix of SoL and Mahou Shoujo, and shouldn’t be missed…


More Magical Girls

Yuuki Yuuna (12)

Karen takes after a certain someone for colors.

Fosh// After the explosive first two episodes Yuuki Yuuna I feel they really set up the world nicely and with the addition of Karin appearing this week as the newest magical girl to join the other girls it brings up the question! How many magical girls are there in the Yuuki Yuuna universe? Personally I always loved that idea of multiple teams of magical girls fighting all over the world which makes me instantly think of Happiness Charge Precure because that is the only Precure series that I know of that explores that idea or maybe you stuck around for Mahou Shoujo Taisen when that aired? That short series also has a huge cast of magical girls.

Yuuki Yuuna (5)

Karin-“Class is in session! Today’s lesson! KILL THE BATMAN.”                      Yuuki-“Ehhhhhh!?”

So what does Karin actually bring to the team? For starters her personality is more towards the bossy side of things and she is a very straight to the point character which pushes her to basically call the other girls noobs because Karin sees this as a super serious job which it is, but from her point of view the other girls are not as serious about it or has Karin seen the darker side of the magical world? Who knows I could see that as a possibility like maybe she was part of a team and saw them all die before her or friends and family that she failed to protect? While all of that sounds epic for a tragic Karin story I think I would prefer if Yuuki Yuuna avoided going that route or is that something you want to see?

Yuuki Yuuna (8)

Karin is the pro athlete.

Personally I would rather see a Karin plot with her simply not knowing how to interact with a team of girls because she has been fighting on her own for a long time which I think is the story they might be going with for Karin? Of course I am just guessing based on how she acts and fights how she is always alone, but maybe this is more of “I don’t have any friends” plot for Karin? Either way I can’t wait to see how she comes around to the happier side of things with the girls befriending her and showing her teamwork is better than running solo.

Karin Breakdown

Yuuki Yuuna (6)

Dat proud Tsundere pose~

Skylion// It’s funny to think that three episodes in, we have Yuna giving a typical day in the life report; and only a month has passed. She’s like totally into it and ripping to tear into a new Vertex. So, leave it to the plot to add another core member to the group! I mean, this is the third episode of a Madoka clone, serious stuff should be happening!

Yuuki Yuuna (9)

 Itsuki-“Whoa I found fanfiction of Karin.”           Karin-“Wait!? REALLY?!!” 

But, I’m not going to lose my head over that sort of thing. With it’s evolving OP and ED and setting up it’s own rules,  this show is carving out it’s own space very well. And, with the introduction of Karin, I think we might be looking a bit into the raison d’etre of the Hero Club and it’s members. And since Yuka is playing an aggressive soft serve to press gang Karin into the club, this sort of introspection is pretty good at this time. I love the interplay. Karin is going all in to to prove her bossitude, and Yuka is very much in line with that, so naturally Karin is in the Hero’s Club….

Yuuki Yuuna (11)

Party time~

And so what do with have with Karin? You could call her an over-achiever (does she run the treadmill when nervous?). And a great case is made to call her driven (eating dried sardines only because they are a super-food). But you can very much call her tsuntsundere; I said that twice so it must be important! She can clean up a Vertex like none of the other’s we have seen so far. I love that dual wield katana action. But, soon, as with many types that are way above the curve, she is by herself. Now, being alone and loneliness don’t have to overlap, but she is probably edging toward feeling lonely now and again. So, to me, everyone might be getting what they need from the situation. Birthday parties included!


Yuuki Yuuna (3)


Yuuki Yuuna (4)

Please shoot me baby!

Yuuki Yuuna (1)

I think Karin will become the leader.

Yuuki Yuuna (2)

Fuu is starting the loli appreciation club! Any guesses for the president?

End thoughts 

Hooray! More magical girls added to the cast of Yuuki Yuuna! I certainly hope we get more magical girls appearing every other week or do you not want that to happen? I think I am stuck in the middle because I really like the idea of new magical girls appearing, but at the same time it might hurt things by having eight or ten different girls on screen at once fighting monsters. Besides that idea I really enjoyed the non magical girl stuff this week as well like the funny club stuff, fun at the pool and surprise birthday party! So what did you think about the episode and what about Karin? Do you like her so far or not really? I think she is alright even though her bossy tsundere attitude did annoy me at the start but I know she will eventually come around and happily join the girls as a core member of the Hero club and join the magical girl team.

I really do like how this show is shaping up, and I think we can dismiss it as a dark show. This doesn’t mean it won’t get serious on it’s own terms. Karin is adding a great deal to the mix cause she does take things very seriously. She might have missed the Hero Club’s children’s activities, but she did study hard on her origami! I hope the rest of them can teach her that she has to make a world worth fighting for, not just fight for it.  So now that we’ve had the great bonding episode, let’s see if we can get some serious fight action next time around. I hope you enjoyed it. See you soon!

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